by any other name...is not the same
Five key differences between LSVT LOUD® and SPEAK OUT!®
What’s the difference between Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, LSVT LOUD and SPEAK OUT!? This is a frequent question posed by curious speech-language pathologists (SLP), healthcare professionals and patients with Parkinson’s.
In lay literature and on social media channels there is often little distinction made between these two treatments. However, take a closer look and it becomes clear there are significant differences.
Of utmost distinction is the 30 years of scientifically validated research and published patient outcomes that span perceptual, acoustic, physiologic, neurologic and patient reported outcomes for LSVT LOUD.
That is, “LOUD” by any name is not the same as LSVT LOUD.

To understand the differences between these programs, it's important to delve beyond the surface-level similarities. By doing so, patients, families, and clinicians can confidently make informed, autonomous decisions about their training and treatment options.
In this blog we highlight five differences between LSVT LOUD and SPEAK OUT!.
1. Patient outcomes reported in published literature.
Both approaches are frequently described as evidence based. However, there is a difference when comparing the amount, level, and depth of evidence between these two programs.
In a recent systematic review of behavioral management of respiratory/phonatory dysfunction for dysarthria associated with neurodegenerative disease, Perry et al. (2024) concluded, “Synthesis of evidence quality provided strong evidence in support of only one behavioral intervention: Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Program (LSVT LOUD) in people with Parkinson's disease. No other treatment approach or population included in this review demonstrated more than limited evidence, reflecting that these approaches/populations require urgent further examination.” Read the article HERE.
Published research outcomes are summarized in the Read More section below and can be viewed in full detail in the links provided. The LSVT perspective that follows the chart provides a broader view of the 30 years of discovery and research from our team.
LSVT LOUD Publications: over 200 (1988-2023)
Speak Out Publications: 9 (2014-2021)
ASHA Evidence Maps for Parkinson’s disease
Published Research Outcome Data | LSVT LOUD | SPEAK OUT! |
Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis Highest quality of evidence |
Yes | No |
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) Gold standard for establishing efficacy |
7 | 0 |
Improved Vocal loudness in monologue Immediately Post-Treatment 6 months Post-Treatment 1 year Post-Treatment 2 years Post-Treatment |
Yes-RCT Yes-RCT Yes-RCT Yes-RCT |
Yes No Yes No |
Improved voice quality | Yes - RCT | Yes |
Improved intonation | Yes - RCT | Yes |
Objective measures of improved swallowing* | Yes | No |
Increased speech intelligibility in noise | Yes - RCT | No |
Improved articulatory function | Yes | No |
Increased facial expression | Yes | No |
Improved respiratory kinematics | Yes | No |
Changes in brain function for speech as measured by fMRI and PET | Yes - RCT | No |
Improved vocal fold adduction | Yes | No |
Increased laryngeal EMG | Yes | No |
Improved speech motor stability | Yes | No |
Improved patient self-reported voice and communication ratings (CETI-M, VHI, etc.) | Yes - RCT |
Yes |
Positive outcomes using telepractice delivery of treatment | Yes | No |
Technology-enhanced delivery of treatment | Yes - RCT | No |
Positive outcomes in multiple languages | Yes | No |
Application in other adult populations (stroke, ataxia, multiple sclerosis) | Yes | No |
Application in pediatric populations (cerebral palsy, Down syndrome) | Yes | No |
*LSVT LOUD is not a direct swallowing treatment. Data document improvements in elements of swallowing post treatment but should not replace evidence-based swallowing therapies.
LSVT Perspective: What you do in therapy matters! Our research has found that it's not just general speech instruction that leads to positive outcomes, but rather specific activities targeted at the voice. These activities not only make the voice louder and more normal following LSVT LOUD, but they also improve many other aspects of speech, voice, and communication. Our imaging data indicates that LSVT LOUD may enhance the speech network in the brain, which includes sensorimotor and auditory regions. This enhancement is believed to produce lasting therapeutic effects over time.
This depth of research also provides confidence and assurance that you are providing or receiving treatment that has strong evidence to support its efficacy.
"When I wasn't having the outcomes I wanted, I was just stuck...Once I was able to start doing LSVT, it was really exciting to see how quickly simple things could improve speech clarity [in kids with Down syndrome]."
Jennifer Gray, MS, CCC-SLP
LSVT LOUD Certified Speech-Language Pathologist
2. Application beyond Parkinson's to other adult neuro and pediatric populations
LSVT LOUD has been studied in case series, single-subject, and small group designs in other populations including adults with dysarthria secondary to stroke, multiple sclerosis, ataxia, cerebral palsy and children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. SPEAK OUT! research is only in people with Parkinson’s.
Protocol | LSVT LOUD | SPEAK OUT! |
Application to other adult populations beyond Parkinson's | Yes | No |
Application to pediatric populations | Yes | No |
LSVT Perspective: These studies suggest there may be core components of LSVT LOUD that facilitate improvements in neural based disorders and conditions. The focus on voice as a foundation for speech, intensive and high effort treatment, consistent with principles of neuroplasticity, and sensory recalibration are well founded treatment principles.
3. Treatment Protocol
The two treatment protocols have core differences across their targets, dosage, focus on sensory recalibration, and cues used in treatment.
Protocol | LSVT LOUD | SPEAK OUT! |
Treatment Target/Focus | Vocal Loudness Directly target hypokinesia & bradykinesia in PD by driving amplitude through vocal loudness training |
Intent Purposeful and deliberate cognitive focus on increasing attentiveness to speech production |
Dosage Sessions |
16 hours 60 min/4 days a week across 4 weeks |
8 hours 40 min/3 days a week across 4 weeks |
Cue in treatment | Speak Loud/Think Loud | Speak with Intent |
Progressive hierarchy of speech complexity including cognitive linguistic practice | Yes | Yes |
Home Practice Conversational carryover exercises |
Yes Yes |
Yes No |
Sensory Recalibration | Directly Trained Focus attention on self-monitoring of increased vocal loudness to self-generate new loudness effort in speech |
Not Directly Trained Focus on using intent to bypass automaticity of speech production |
LSVT Perspective: The unique aspects of LSVT LOUD include the combination of (a) an exclusive target on increasing amplitude (loudness in the speech motor system) which results in cross-system effects such as improved articulation, facial expression and swallowing, (b) a focus on sensory recalibration to help patients recognize that a louder voice is within normal limits, even if they feel “too loud” and (c) training self-cueing and attention to action to facilitate long-term maintenance of treatment outcomes. The intensive LSVT LOUD dosage has been studied and found to be effective in over 200 publications over the last 30 years, with documented long-term retention of treatment gains.
The upside of intensive treatment is that it is 1) consistent with principles that drive neuroplasticity, 2) offers periodic bouts of intensive treatment followed by breaks in therapy, and 3) is an efficient way to effect change in a very short amount of time. Beyond intensity, LSVT LOUD incorporates other principles of neuroplasticity including repetitions, complexity, saliency, use it or lose it, and timing as summarized in this article. “Exercise is medicine” and intensity is essential for all forms of neurorehabilitation (Learn more here).
4. Maintenance exercise groups
Both treatments offer maintenance classes post treatment. The requirements for attending, as it relates to the published research outcomes and clinical implementation, are different.
Protocol | LSVT LOUD | SPEAK OUT! |
Maintenance |
Optional, periodic LOUD for LIFE |
Required, indefinite LOUD Crowd |
LSVT Perspective: The follow-up periods in published research studies have documented that LSVT LOUD effects can last at least six months, and potentially out to two years without any additional treatment. In the clinical world, maintenance can include both exercise classes and periodic tune-up sessions. There are clinical reports of LSVT LOUD effects lasting much longer than two years for some clients, but these have not been documented with research.
5. Multi-disciplinary approach with physical and occupational therapy
LSVT LOUD has a parallel physical and occupational therapy program that shares the goal of improving amplitude in people with Parkinson’s. SPEAK OUT! does not have a movement counterpart.
Protocol | LSVT LOUD | SPEAK OUT! |
Multi-disciplinary counterpart | LSVT BIG | None |
LSVT Perspective: LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG are parallel treatments, the latter delivered by physical or occupational therapists. LSVT BIG aims to enhance mobility, balance, and overall quality of life by increasing the amplitude of movement, just like LSVT LOUD. This shared goal of amplitude improvement allows for multiple clinicians to collaborate and work towards the same therapeutic objective. The combination of these two approaches offers patients a holistic and interdisciplinary treatment package with a focus on restoring normal amplitude, which entails speaking louder and moving bigger.
Summary: Less than 30 years ago, published literature stated that “speech treatment for Parkinson’s disease does not work.” This served as a catalyst for change and the start of what is today, LSVT LOUD. Countless hours by researchers and clinicians and millions of NIH dollars have gone into establishing solid science that disputes this claim; documenting that LSVT LOUD speech treatment both works and lasts in people with Parkinson’s. Further, the underlying mechanisms of how this effective treatment works have been explored through acoustic, perceptual, physiological, and neural imaging studies. Detailed elements of what makes treatment successful, or not, are defined by this systematic research process and inform our clinical protocols and guide our application beyond Parkinson’s (other neural disorders in adults and children) and to movement (LSVT BIG).
LSVT LOUD and SPEAK OUT! are both speech therapy programs designed to improve the communication abilities of individuals with Parkinson's disease. However, as you look at the treatment programs more carefully, you see significant differences, and you can use this information to inform and guide your treatment and training decisions.