What is LSVT LOUD for KIDS?
LSVT LOUD for KIDS is a voice treatment that addresses a range of communication impairments in children with motor speech disorders. The program is intensive and based on principles of neuroplasticity, meaning it aims to train and reorganize the brain's connections to improve communication skills.
Originally adapted from the successful LSVT LOUD® program created for adults with Parkinson's disease, this intervention has proven effective in enhancing speech and communication abilities in children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome.
Research in children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome shows:
- Increased vocal loudness
- Improved articulation & speech intelligibility
- Improved intonation and prosody
- Increased confidence with communication
- Changes in neural function related to voice and speech
Watch these short videos to learn a little more about LSVT LOUD for KIDS. Longer videos are available in the webinars section below.
LSVT LOUD for KIDS pre/post audio clips in a child with cerebral palsy and a child with Down syndrome.
LSVT LOUD for KIDS Clinician Testimonial
LSVT LOUD for KIDS Treatment Sample
LSVT LOUD for KIDS Parent Testimonial
Pediatric Research Articles and Blogs
Explore the research on application of LSVT LOUD to pediatric populations. Read the original research papers or review the summary blog posts.
Intensive speech therapy (LSVT LOUD) for clients with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy – one clinician’s experience.
Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD) for Children with Down syndrome: Phase 1 Outcomes
Making Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD®) Accessible for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mixed Dysarthria Using a Novel, Pre-Treatment Protocol
Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD) for Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Dysarthria
Report on the Impact of LSVT LOUD in Improving Communication of a Preschool Child and a Young Adult with Cerebral Palsy / Rapport clinique de l’impact du protocole LSVT LOUD pour améliorer la communication d’un enfant d’âge préscolaire et d’un jeune adulte ayant une paralysie cérébrale
LSVT LOUD for KIDS Training and Certification Course
The LSVT LOUD for KIDS Training and Certification Course is for speech-language pathology professionals and students. The fundamental treatment principles and rationale, key treatment elements, efficacy data supporting treatment outcomes, details of treatment exercises, and practical delivery and documentation considerations will be covered.
How to Find a LSVT Certified Clinician
Use the Find LSVT Clinicians search tool on our website to locate certified LSVT clinicians in your area.
If you are unable to locate a clinician using our search tool, contact us at info@lsvtglobal.com and we will assist you.
Common Questions
In the studies we have completed (case studies, single subject designs, small group designs) we have treated from 3 to 18 years of age. More than age, however, factors such as the ability to follow simple directions, stimulability for the voice exercises, motivation to communicate, and support network will play a role. We discuss all these factors in the training course.
Our research studies (small group, single-subject design, or case studies) have been with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and a case study in autism. Clinically, therapists have used the treatment in a wider range of populations including ataxia, vocal nodules, apraxia, Prader Willi, and congenital neuromuscular disease - to name a few.
For pediatric populations, LSVT LOUD can be a tool in your clinical bag. It may be helpful for some clients and not for others. In the training course, we teach a rationale for considering application of LSVT LOUD in pediatric populations including a decision-making matrix.
I think all of us who have done this work, be it in research studies or clinical practice, have been surprised by the ability and willingness of kids to do the work: 60-minute sessions, four days a week for four weeks. Several factors play a role: kids can see a difference quickly and early in therapy - even if it is cued loudness; salience and personalized activities and materials are key elements of therapy even though it is a structured protocol; and the focus on intrinsic rewards of vocalization and improved communication. Of course, there are certainly the days when it does not go well...but the beauty of intensive treatment is that we can recover immediately the next day.